From tremolos to alien-invasion metallic screams, modulate any external source with RACHAEL's all-analog signal path, tunable to subtle, complex, and extreme sounds with the speed and depth controls. It’s a perfect pairing for DECKARD'S VOICE or any input (via the signal input). In addition, there’s both an internal reference oscillator and the ability to patch in your own external tone for even more complex and varied results.
Set the oscillator to VCO mode, and RACHAEL is also a VCO with all the character of DECKARD'S DREAM and the classic CS synths that inspired it. That includes square, sine, and “csaw” waveforms -- the CSAW has the distinctive CS leading-edge pulse.
The oscillator is also configurable as an LFO, with standard sawtooth, square, and sine waves via switch. With a dedicated OSC output, you can use the LFO and ring modulation simultaneously, making RACHAEL both modulation source and creative processor.
RACHAEL’s onboard envelope generator is more than just another ADSR. With the envelope generator amount control and switchable destinations, you can tune in an amount of the envelope to the modulation frequency, modulation depth, or both, for musical, creative sound shaping. In addition to the gate input, each stage of the envelope has dedicated CV control. And all of this comes with the distinctive vertical sliders beloved on DECKARD'S DREAM.
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